Sunday, April 3, 2011

mumbling babbling babbon

I just want to mumble, its been a long time since I actually write about something.

Being 22 doens't mean I'm too old for flirting. Oh please I love it!!

but it's not " tell me 10 good things and bad things about you"!!

its like u want to know me without any effort.

Oh remember this joke

co : neng ada dongkrak?
ce : ngga ada bang.
co : tp klo no hp punya kan!!

once someone actually tried to flirt me with

A : eh ini artinay apa sih *kasih ayat Alkitab panjang and trust me, I'm not a walking English Bible*
gw : *ngasi sebisa mungkin*
A : klo "i love u" artinya apa??

oh my, couldn't u do something better than that??

believe if u are trying to flirt someone on your age, i think that would work, but for me, nah!!!!

sorry, I'm way beyond that.

and believe me
rejecting your invitation for a million times = I'm not into you!

Also I dont like if u add my bbm but not say even a word, I'm not some sort of collection to be collected in ur friendlist, so please, TALK!! even if it is only once in a while.